A:In general, available product in the market claim able to reduce pesticides residue typically uses water or ozone properties. These products can only impact on the epidermis or outer skin of fruits and vegetables.
Pesticides are typically deposited onto fruits and vegetables in following three groupings: 1. Dehydrated and dried-up pesticide attaching on the surface 2. Pesticide penetrating through wax and accumulate between the wax and the surface.
3. Pesticide absorbed through the roots and scattered into every part of the plant
Today, pesticides are generally deposited by above grouping 2 and 3; thereby resulting as pesticide residue remaining within fruits and vegetable. BioSum ACR Bag truly the only available product in today’s market able to penetrate and decompose pesticide residue remaining within fruits and vegetable.
1. 形成干膜附著於植物表面
2. 穿过植物表面蜡质部分而累积於作物表层
3. 由根部组织吸收而输送到植物体每一部份
现在的蔬果农药残留大部分属於第2、3种,因此蔬果内部都有农药残留。而BioSum 健康蔬果袋是目前唯一分解农药效果可深达蔬果内部的产品。