Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Q:What is Nanometer? 什么是次奈米?What is Photocatalyst?什么是光触媒?

A: Nanometer (nm) -- length of the unit is 10-9 meters. For most cases when particle size is in the range of 1-100 nm, this is claim as nanometer. The uses of nanotechnology will greatly change the lives of human beings in the future. Scientists termed them as the world's third industrial revolution. Measurement of less than 10-9 meters is known as sub-nanometer.

Generally speaking, photocatalyst is the substance which can modify the rate of chemical reaction using light irradiation.Chlorophyll of plants is a typical natural photocatalyst. The difference between chlorophyll photocatalyst to man-made nanotechnology photocatalyst (here mentioned as photocatalyst) is, usually chlorophyll captures sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and glucose, but on the contrary photocatalyst creates strong oxidation agent and electronic holes to breakdown organic matter to carbon dioxide and water in the presence of photocatalyst, light and water.

A:奈米(nano meter)是10-9公尺长度单位。当一种物质之粒径大小介於1-100奈米时,可冠上奈米。奈米科技的运用将大大改变人类今后的生活,科学家称之为世界第三次工业革命。粒径小於10-9公尺称为次奈米。光触媒 (photocatalyst) 是以光为催化剂的一种材料,它就像宇宙的黑洞一样,能吸收光线产生能源,让周围分子产生剧烈运动,以分解周围对环境及人体有害的有机物质。

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