Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Q:How to proof BioSum ACR Bag enabling technology is really working?如何知道它有沒有效?

A: Pesticides residue in fruits and vegetable is not tangible and is difficult to identify with the naked eye whether if it exists. There are as much as 600 types of approved pesticide identified and much more variety to almost unaccountable as a result of unauthorized mix and manufacture by farmers. The structure of pesticide is very complex and very difficult to decompose. In fact, some pesticide is either powerful acidic or alkaline base. Even though the naked eye seen the changing color of analyzed resultant filtered paper does not infer that pesticides were decomposed. Should the numerous inspection reports accredited by SGS is still causing doubts and skeptical about ACR enabling technology, please feel free to direct further testing using spectrometer analysis equipment on pesticide residue before and after treated by BioSum ACR bag. Another simple test to check ACR Bag technological marvel is to put one glass of fruit juice (say orange or lime) or plain water or any alcoholic liquor into the ACR Bag for 10 to 15 minutes. Thereafter, such drink will be totally different and will be an enjoyable taste.

A:农药是看不到、摸不著的东西,很难用肉眼辨识它是否存在。 坊间许多浸泡剂大多利用强硷中和酸性物质,所以肉眼可看到水颜色改变。农药种类有几千种之多,我国合法且经常使用的就有600多种,加上非法制造的,更不胜枚举,农药结构很复杂,要分解它 谈何容易?其实农药有的是强酸,有的是强硷,就算肉眼看到水或试纸变色,不代表农药已分解。除了SGS检验报告外,若您还是不放心,可将经由BioSum健康蔬果袋分解前、后的蔬果洽有大型光谱仪设备之检验单位检验。另外,也可以用透明杯或瓶装入果汁、酒或水,放入健康蔬果袋内,经过10~15分钟后,果汁之酸味会减少,酒的辛辣及生涩味会降低,口感变得香醇好喝,水的口感会软化,证明确实有作用。

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